Please note that the term "teacher" is to be understood as "course creator" and/or "trainer".

This is a placement test
- Teacher: Christina-Maria Blinckmann, M.A.
- Teacher: Lynette Schröder
This is what we offer and what we stand for - looking forward to hearing from you
By using the blinckmann Online CAMPUS, you can learn Business English at your own pace and with flexible timing, which allows you to quickly increase your foreign language skills.
We offer you an online learning platform that both challenges and encourages you, linguistically, economically and culturally – in private study and in a virtual classroom, as individual or small group teaching (a maximum of three participants).
From EUR 26.00 per month, you will learn
You determine your own learning speed, e.g. 1-2 hours per week. You can cancel at the end of the month if you are not satisfied – so you are always flexible. Ask your employer whether he or she will support you in this further training by granting you free time or financial support.
You can contact us for personal advice without commitment on telephone number +49 (0)40 – 790 110 35
Let’s get started!
Mit dem blinckmann Online-CAMPUS lernen Sie selbstbestimmt und zeitlich flexibel Business English und steigern damit schnell Ihre fremdsprachlichen Fähigkeiten.
Wir bieten Ihnen eine Online-Lernplattform, die Sie sowohl sprachlich, wirtschaftlich als auch kulturell fordert und fördert – im Selbststudium und Virtuellen Klassenzimmer als Einzel- oder Kleingruppenunterricht (max. 3 Teilnehmer/innen).
Schon ab EUR 26,00 pro Monat werden Sie lernen
Bestimmen Sie Ihr eigenes Lerntempo, z. B. 1-2 Stunden wöchentlich. Sie können zum Monatsende bei Nichtgefallen kündigen – damit sind Sie jederzeit flexibel. Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arbeitgeber, ob er Sie bei dieser Weiterbildung durch zeitlichen Freiraum oder finanziell unterstützt.
Für eine persönliche und unverbindliche Beratung erreichen Sie uns unter der Telefonnummer +49 (0)40 – 790 110 35
Let’s get started!
Con blinckmann online
CAMPUS puede aprender el inglés de negocios de forma independiente y
flexible mejorando así rápidamente sus conocimientos de idiomas extranjeros.
Le ofrecemos una plataforma de aprendizaje en línea que le reta y apoya a nivel lingüístico, económico y cultural con clases autodidactas y virtuales como son las lecciones individuales o en pequeños grupos (máximo 3 participantes).
A partir de sólo 26 euros al mes aprenderá a
Determine su propio ritmo de aprendizaje, por ejemplo, 1-2 horas semanales. Podrá cancelar a fin de mes si no está satisfecho, teniendo flexibilidad en todo momento. Consulte con su empresa para saber si recibirá ayudas económicas o de tiempo libre para su formación.
Si desea asistencia personal y no vinculante póngase por favor en contacto en el +49 (0)40 - 790 110 35.
Let’s get started!
La plateforme blinckmann Online-CAMPUS vous permet d’apprendre
l’anglais d’affaire de manière autonome et flexible dans le temps de sorte à
accroître rapidement vos compétences linguistiques.
Nous vous offrons une plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne qui vous aide et vous invite à acquérir des connaissances en langue et civilisation, mais aussi en économie, et ce de manière autodidacte dans une classe virtuelle, en cours particulier ou en petits groupes (de 3 personnes max.).
Dès 26,00 EUR par mois, vous apprenez à
Déterminez vous-même votre rythme d’apprentissage, par exemple 1 à 2 heures par semaine. Si la formule ne vous convient pas, vous pouvez résilier votre participation à la fin du mois et restez ainsi maître de votre temps. Adressez-vous à votre employeur pour savoir s’il est disposé à vous soutenir dans cette mesure de formation continue soit par une contribution financière soit en vous dégageant du temps.
N’hésitez pas à nous appeler au +49 (0)40 – 790 110 35 pour bénéficier de notre conseil personnalisé sans aucun engagement de votre part.
Let’s get started !
After completing the training course, participants should be able to express themselves more flexibly, more confidently and more freely in the English language, in order to use it successfully when communicating on behalf of their company with business partners in the globalised world.
Our first course, “Business English Tools for your Company and You”, consists of three modules: Blue’s Corporate Structures, Blue’s Projects and Blue’s Customers. These three modules are aimed at the further development of a wide range of skills.
We are committed to unlocking our students' language potentials by providing an on-demand blended learning environment accessible 24/7 that combines business, linguistic and cultural aspects to achieve their professional and personal goals.
Please read our flyer and learn more about our concept
This certificate certifies that this is an accredited Business English course by the ZFU (German National Agency for Distance Learning)
This certificate certifies that this is an accredited Business English course by the ZFU (German National Agency for Distance Learning)
This certificate certifies that this is an accredited Business English course by the ZFU (German National Agency for Distance Learning)
If you wish to receive further information on our CAMPUS, please feel free to call us from
Monday to Friday (09.00 to 17.00 hrs.) at +49 (40) 790 110 35 or send us
an e-mail to
Take care and best regards
blinckmann languages and marketing
Christina-Maria Blinckmann, M.A.
Glinder Weg 8
D - 21465 Reinbek
Please check your level before taking a course.
Maximum score is 100 points.
Please note that the term "teacher" is to be understood as "course creator" and/or "trainer".
Visit our HAPPY LANGUAGE CLUB on YouTube and discover interesting linguistic and cultural aspects - available very soon!
This is a placement test
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 1 of 3 of our Level A2-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will introduce the fictitious company Blue International Limited to you.
Discover Blue's corporate structure, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and presentation skills, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 1 of 3 of our Level B1-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will introduce the fictitious company Blue International Limited to you.
Discover Blue's corporate structure, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and presentation skills, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 1 of 3 of our Level B2-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will introduce the fictitious company Blue International Limited to you.
Discover Blue's corporate structure, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and presentation skills, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 2 of 3 of our Level A2-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will continue the story of the fictitious company Blue International Limited.
Discover Blue's projects, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and meeting skills, project management tools, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 2 of 3 of our Level B1-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will continue the story of the fictitious company Blue International Limited.
Discover Blue's projects, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and meeting skills, projct management tools, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 2 of 3 of our Level B2-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will continue the story of the fictitious company Blue International Limited.
Discover Blue's projects, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and meeting skills, project management tools, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 3 of 3 of our Level A2-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will continue the story of the fictitious company Blue International Limited.
Discover Blue's customers, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and negotiation skills, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 3 of 3 of our Level B1-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will continue the story of the fictitious company Blue International Limited.
Discover Blue's customers, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and negotiation skills, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!
Welcome to our CAMPUS and our first course "Business English Tools for your Company and You" - this is module 3 of 3 of our Level B2-course.
Victoria and Sheryl will continue the story of the fictitious company Blue International Limited.
Discover Blue's customers, its employees and products as well as its market environment.
You will experience realistic aspects of Blue's daily business life - small talk, writing and negotiations skills, grammar aspects, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary building as well as intercultural topics relevant in an international market context.
Blue's story is like a book - become part of it and dive into Blue's business world!